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Unit 11.6-11.7 - UCAS Application

As part of my UCAS application I had to choose five course options. I decided to choose a mix of Film Studies and Film & TV Production courses as I was undecided on which route to take. I also knew that I wanted to study in either Bristol or London so those were the areas I focused on. The final five that I decided on are:

King's College, London - Film Studies

University of Bristol - Film and Television

University of the Arts London - Film and Television

University of the West of England, Bristol - Film Studies

London Metropolitan University - Film and Television Studies

As part of the application process I needed to write a personal statement that would help admissions officers decide whether or not they would give me an offer. In my personal statement I decided to focus on what I have learnt during this course and how my skills would benefit me in both university and industry. In order to give the universities an idea of my personality, I also talked about the extra curricula activities and I was also able to relate some of them to the courses I am applying to. In my personal statement I gave the universities an idea of my ambitions and where I would eventually like to be in the industry.

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