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Narrative Theory within Hunger Games

Equilibrium Theory

Equilibrium Theory doesn't quite work in the Hunger Games as, despite following the first four stages, the film never fully returns to a state of equilibrium that is required to follow this theory. The beginning of the film starts with a sort of equilibrium before Prim is chosen for the Hunger Games which moves the film into the second stage, disruption. Recognition, the third stage, occurs when Rue dies and Katniss realises she has something to fight for before the rule change at the end allows reparation to occur. However, Katniss has created so much disruption that equilibrium is never quite restored.

Character Types

Hunger Games contains seven of the eight of Propp's Character Types, with some characters falling into multiple roles and others undergoing a role reversal. Katniss is the 'Hero' of the film with President 'Snow' the villain. I believe that Rue is the 'Donor' and not Haymitch because the latter never directly gives anything to Katniss whereas Rue does, albeit nothing physical. Rue gives Katniss hope and belief whilst she is alive and when she dies it gives Katniss something to win for, which is far greater than anything Haymitch gives. I would, therefore, say that Haymitch, along with Cinna, are the 'Helpers' due to the fact that they help the 'Hero' but are not vital to the story. The 'Dispatcher' is Effie, as she is the one that draws Prim's name out, whilst Crane is the 'False Hero' as he works for the 'Villain' but tries to help the 'Hero'. There are two 'Princesses' in the film; Peeta and Prim. Prim fits this Character Type because she needs Katniss to save her at the start of the film and Peeta fits the role as he is much weaker than Katniss and needs saving on multiple occasions.

Binary Oppositions

There are a number of binary oppositions in Hunger Games that help to achieve an equilibrium. good vs evil, like the majority of dystopian films, is the key oppositions but the film also contains battles such as love vs hate, rich vs poor and strong vs weak.

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