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Career Routes

There are many routes into the TV and Film industry including university and apprenticeships. You can also enter the industry with varying levels of qualifications. There are three roles; Editor, Location Manager and Marine & Diving Crew that I will look into in depth.


To get into editing you do not need a specific qualification but as with most other careers, the higher your qualification the more likely you are to succeed. It is better nowadays to have a degree before entering the industry as you will gain a far more in depth knowledge of the editing process. That being said, you will most likely still enter as a runner and have to work your way up. This means that it is still possible to do an apprenticeship but a lot harder as you won't have the experience.

Location Manager

To become a location manager you don't need an official qualification but a health & safety course will help massively. The best way in is to start as a runner and gain experience before making your way up through the ranks. This means that university is an unlikely and unnecessary option so it is best to just start straight after school.

Marine & Diving Crew

This is another role where it is best to start as a trainee although you will need experience with operating a camera so university is still a possibility. You will also need a commercial diving certificate as well as a lot of experience underwater. This means that you should expect to start in a much lower position in order to gain the experience.

References (2017). Creative Industry Job Roles - Creative Skillset. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Dec. 2017].

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