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Research Techniques

Research is an important part of the film making process. It allows you to understand what the audience wants and how it will react to a new film or TV show. It will also give the production a sense of direction before starting and allow a good script to be written. There are four main types of research that can be conducted; Primary Research, Secondary Research, Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research.

Primary Research

Primary research is first hand research that you yourself have gone out and found. Typical examples of primary research in the film industry are Focus Groups, Surveys and Location Reccees.

Secondary Research

Secondary research is research that has already been collected and documented by someone else. Most secondary research nowadays is done through the internet however books, journals and videos are often used.

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is opinion based research. Surveys, interviews and questionnaires are the main sources of qualitative research as they rely on someone else's opinion or advice.

Quantitative Research

Quantitative research is fact based research that allow you to make statistics. This is arguably the most important research as it gives pure facts in a form that allows you to compare them to other facts and statistics. This is particularly useful when conducting audience and market research.

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